Jan and Mihaela, Belgium

We have been starting to look for a property in the Costa Brava back in February 2013. During our first trip we met Warwick Pemberton from Costa Brava Fincas. After explaining what we were looking for, Warwick came up with a good mix of properties to visit . He spent more than half a day with us, listened carefully, gave good advice , without pushing us in any direction. It happened to be that we really found a property to our liking, it needed work, and Warwick offered us to visit it a second time the day after, with a constructor, to look at options. Everything felt really right, Warwick explained us the processes to buy property in Spain, made the connections to the owners on our behalf, and helped us to any detail, including to connect us with a superb lawyer, the bank, an accountant to arrange the NIE numbers, a notary and a constructor. Without exception, we felt a lot of confidence in all these people, and have not felt a single time uncomfortable. The offer we brought out was accepted, and 4 months after have seen our property for the first time, we signed the Title Deed. In the meantime we started to make concrete plans about the renovation. Throughout this entire period we got a lot of help from Irene, she was extremely collaborative to establish the communication between us and the constructor, translated numerous documents, emails, provided options for insurance companies, and many more......
All in all, our experience with Warwick and Irene has been extremely good, and was built based on trust. Without their professionalism and understanding, we would likely not have embarked on this project. With our very busy daily lives, and without knowledge about how things work in Spain, it would have been a too far stretched goal. Now, we can't wait to see our new house in its final shape, and enjoy wonderful moments in a beautiful part of Costa Brava. We fully recommend Costa Brava Fincas to be your partner when you consider to embark on a journey like ours.

Jan en Mihaela

+34 972 829 880 +34 972 829 880 info@costabravafincas.com info@costabravafincas.com
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